Sanctum Studio | BANKSIA (2023)
Sanctum Theatre is a Melbourne-based visual performance ensemble presenting folk theatre in everyday spaces since 2006.
Lachlan Plain, puppets, performance, theatre, theater, Melbourne, Australia, visual, site specific, roving acts, puppetry, public art, community, design, illustration, painting, drawing, art, studio, street art, mural, murals, installation, projection, light, lantern, sculpture, sculptural, artist, exhibition
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Short Film Coming in 2025!
BANKSIA is a story of destruction and renewal. Man needs war like the bush needs fire. We say, lest we forget and never again, but still we find ourselves drawn inexorably towards the next great conflict.
My father tells a story about life on the farm. He and his father desert a fire front to protect their own house. The next day they are presented with a white feather. My father laughs, but my grandfather, a returned soldier, is humiliated. Yet white feathers stand for peace as well as cowardice. And surrender takes a certain kind of courage. –Lachlan Plain.
Reels on Wheels 2023
BANKSIA was created in 2023 for Reels on Wheels, presented by City of Banyule and Little Projector Company. It was projected onto a banksia bush in a suburban park in Watsonia, Victoria. It was adapted later that year for rePRESENTING the PAST at Mycelium Studios as an ‘animated painting in relief’.