Sanctum Studio | flight (2009)
Sanctum Theatre is a Melbourne-based visual performance ensemble presenting folk theatre in everyday spaces since 2006.
Lachlan Plain, puppets, performance, theatre, theater, Melbourne, Australia, visual, site specific, roving acts, puppetry, public art, community, design, illustration, painting, drawing, art, studio, street art, mural, murals, installation, projection, light, lantern, sculpture, sculptural, artist, exhibition
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A woman is bound by love to care for a man trapped by his body.
Once upon a time a shape-shifting crow visited their home.
If you grew wings would you fly away?
An uplifting backyard tale.
Directed by Colleen Bourke.
Starring Colleen Bourke, Lachlan Plain, Dave Houston, Louis O’Dwyer and Iris Radovic. Music by Jon Drews and Kirri Buchler.
Film by Justin Powell. Photos by Steve Mushin.