Sanctum Studio | Bombardier Beetle
Sanctum Theatre is a Melbourne-based visual performance ensemble presenting folk theatre in everyday spaces since 2006.
Lachlan Plain, puppets, performance, theatre, theater, Melbourne, Australia, visual, site specific, roving acts, puppetry, public art, community, design, illustration, painting, drawing, art, studio, street art, mural, murals, installation, projection, light, lantern, sculpture, sculptural, artist, exhibition
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Sanctum Studio, Bombardier Beetle, Tanglewood 2024/2025 Sanctum Studio, Bombardier Beetle, Tanglewood 2024/2025 Bug Lab Exhibition 2017

Bombardier Beetle

The Bombardier Beetle has a superpower. It can squirt acid out of its rear end.

Insects are everywhere. We would not exist without bees to pollinate our crops or insects to maintain the ecosystems upon which we depend. By turning the minuscule gargantuan, our Giant Bug roving acts raise awareness of the necessity of insects for life on earth.

If you would like the Bombardier Beetle at your event please contact Lachlan Plain on (+61) 432 103 538 or

Developed for Melbourne Museum’s Bug Lab exhibition 2017.


Roving Act