Sanctum Studio | Nanny the Goat Girl
Sanctum Theatre is a Melbourne-based visual performance ensemble presenting folk theatre in everyday spaces since 2006.
Lachlan Plain, puppets, performance, theatre, theater, Melbourne, Australia, visual, site specific, roving acts, puppetry, public art, community, design, illustration, painting, drawing, art, studio, street art, mural, murals, installation, projection, light, lantern, sculpture, sculptural, artist, exhibition
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Nanny the Goat Girl
with her feller
Ol' Pete the Farmer
Nanny is half goat, half girl. Hold onto your hats, because she might have a nibble.
This mutant farm animal creates mayhem wherever she goes. Lucky she has Ol’ Pete to keep her in line. Ol’ Pete? Ol’ Pete? Where has Ol’ Pete got to this time?
To book Pigsy, Nanny and/or Ol’ Pete for your festival or event, please contact Lachlan Plain on (+61) 432 103 538 or
Cabaret Act, Roving Act