Sanctum Studio | CHRYSALIS (2024)
Sanctum Theatre is a Melbourne-based visual performance ensemble presenting folk theatre in everyday spaces since 2006.
Lachlan Plain, puppets, performance, theatre, theater, Melbourne, Australia, visual, site specific, roving acts, puppetry, public art, community, design, illustration, painting, drawing, art, studio, street art, mural, murals, installation, projection, light, lantern, sculpture, sculptural, artist, exhibition
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Short Film Coming in 2025!
CHRYSALIS is an animated meditation on metamorphosis – on how things are constantly becoming other things. The moon is waxing and waning, cells are dividing, babies growing and grubs becoming butterflies. Nick Wilson (Sound Fossil) brings to life Lachlan Plain’s rudimentary handcrafted animation with a mesmerizing composition for guitar and prayer bowl.
CHRYSALIS was created for City of Banyule’s Art in Public Spaces Program. In the winter of 2024, four large chrysalises were hung from the trees at Kitchener Reserve in Ivanhoe, Melbourne. As darkness descended they were illuminated from within by a symphony of light, projection, and sound.
The CHRYSALIS animation was created as part of Sanctum Studio’s FAE project, which was supported by Creative Victoria’s Creators Fund in 2024.
City of Banyule, Art in Public Spaces 2024
Experience the enchantment of CHRYSALIS, a mesmerising land art installation nestled within Kitchener Reserve.
As darkness descends, 3 grand chrysalides suspended from the trees come to life, illuminated by a symphony of light, projection, and sound.
These cocoons unveil a captivating spectacle, blending animation and nature footage, offering a window into a world of transformation and renewal.
Delve into the immersive imagery inspired by local flora and fauna, as well as the surrounding landscape.